Antivarix products prevent and eliminate deficiencies of venous system due to the use of current technology. For production of antivarix products synthetic yarn is used. Unique technique of production guarantees draught and precise product adjustment to patient’s venous and muscular systems. Selection of one out of four constriction classes by a doctor and measurement of a limb ensure achievement of an optimal medical effect.
Compression therapy relates to wearing flexible compression stockings. Stockings should be put on before getting up or after morning shower at the latest. They are easier to put on on a thin sock, which is removed without difficulty after stockings are stretched as some stockings are cut off at the height of toes. Some patients put on stockings on tights that can be easily washed and are easier to put on. Putting off stockings should be the last thing to do before going to bed. Stockings have to be worn also when there is high temperature outside, though it is difficult to accept it. If it is possible, it is best to wear stockings during early morning hours than not to wear them at all.
- Indications for compression treatment:
- „heavy legs”, small almorranas, prevention against primary almorranas
- larger almorranas
- chronic venous failure
- lower limb ulcer
- sclerotherapy
- surgeries
- pregnancy
- prophylaxis of lower limbs oedema during long trips by plane
- thrombotic inflammation of surface veins
- prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis
- deep vein thrombosis treatment
- prophylaxis and treatment of postthrombotic syndrome.
Classification of compression determined by European Committee for Standardization:
- Slight compression (18-21 mm Hg) – gentle surface compression effect, preventive usage in leg fatigue, small varices without visible oedema, small varices during pregnancy.
- Average compression (23-32 mm Hg) – average surface compression effect, small varices with shank oedema, venous failure caused by varices, condition after treatment of small ulcerations, condition after superficial thrombotic venous inflammation, varices during pregnancy, after varices operations and sclerotherapy, prophylactically against thrombosis.
- Strong compression (34-46 mm Hg) – surface and deep effect of compression, large varices with oedema, chronic venous failure caused by postthrombotic syndrome, traumatic oedemas, after healed venous ulcerations, after varices operations, after sclerotherapy, after fractures and injuries. In reversible lymphatic oedemas (according to Prof. U. Brunner, Zurich).
- Very strong compression (min.49 mm Hg) – strong deep compression effect, some cases of postthrombotic venous inflammation. Irreversible lymphatic oedemas (according to Prof. U. Brunner, Zurich).